NaNoWriMo Progress

Good morning all!

NaNoWriMo started on Tuesday and I've been doing pretty well so far. I wrote double my word count goal on the first day to get myself a running start, as it were, and I've managed to make word goal everyday so far. And I'm rather impressed with the way I've worked in some Firefly references, and I even have a character named "Simon".

That being said, I'm not really feeling the story. It almost seems like there's a discontent to my writing at the moment. Maybe it's just because I haven't written in so long and once I get going, it will settle into a better rhythm. Things just seem choppy and unnatural at the moment. However, I won't let it discourage me. After all, this is merely a rough draft to get the story down and we can work on more poetical writing in the revision months. 

Here's a short excerpt from what I've written so far:

What happened next about the little transport ship is probably best left to the imagination, except it is unlikely that most people's imagination would lead them to the gruesomeness that pervaded the ship over the next hours. The crew died swiftly because they offered a threat, but the passengers did not. They begged for their lives, for the lives or the children and then they begged for death. But their cries went unheeded because mercy was not in the nature of those who boarded. Mercy is the mark of a great man and these were not great men. They weren't men. 

They were reavers.

How is your writing going? What do you do when you feel that things aren't flowing?

<3 Belle


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