New Year, New Projects

Welcome to 2017, all!

I recently saw a meme (that of course I can't find) about expectations for the new year. It went something like this:
Anxious friend: What do you think 2017 will bring?  
Optimistic friend: Flowers. I think it will bring flowers. 
Anxious friend: How do you know? How can you be so sure?
Optimistic friend: Because I'm planting flowers. 

Just a little thought to remind us, that if you want things to get better, sometimes you have to put in a little bit of work and make it better ourselves.

Me, I'd like a little less stress in 2017, which generally comes down to how well I've organized my life. To help with this, I've started a bullet journal, which seems to be working pretty well so far. It might just be an excuse to get to use pretty pens, but we'll see how it goes through the year.

My latest writing project is centering around a book I got last year: 90 Days till Your Novel. Thus far, I've managed to get up every day before 5:30 and spend an hour writing before work. It might take me a little longer than 90 days to complete, however, the goal is to have a finished manuscript this year.

I'm using the exercises in the book to help me develop a plot bunny I got almost a year ago. I think it has a lot of potential, so I want to make sure I don't crash and burn before really giving it a chance. It's a historical romance novel, with most of the plot taking place after the marriage - backwards, I know. One of my biggest challenges will be ensuring it stays true to the time period.

The second idea I've got floating around is one I've labeled Escape to Reality. It's about leaving behind the mundane sameness of one's life and changing reality to be what you want. It will involve a lot of travel, centered around the various trips I took last year.

That's it for me! How is 2017 treating you so far?

<3 Belle


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