The 50 Book Pledge

I see you over there, perking up at the sound of the word "book". Don't think I don't see you. But it's okay. This is definitely something to be curious about. 
What is it, you ask? Well, it's pretty much what it sounds like - a pledge to read fifty books in a year. Easy? for you, sure! Were you going to read at least that many this year anyway? of course you were. 
So why not team up with the Savvy Reader and yours truly and pledge to do just that? 50 book pledge has a community all set up to support you (not that you really need it, you reading champ you), and it's fun to follow along and see how everyone is doing. There's also a list of featured reads in case you're at a loss for what to read next. You know, other than that stack of books beside your bed you've been trying to get through since high school. It ain't gettin' any shorter, is it?
So far, I've read four books, so I think I'm doing okay. But I'm finding myself re-reading books in my library rather than picking up something new. I've got on one hold from the library, but while I'm waiting for that, anyone here got any suggestions to help me stay on track this year?
No, don't go back to Netflix! Go sign up for the #50bookpledge and discover something new this year! (And you know, maybe work on that stack of books to read...)

<3 Belle


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