Camp NaNoWriMo: A Tale of Friendship

If you don't know about National Novel Writing Month, then you need to head here right now. Yes, forget about me, and go get lost in the wonder that is NaNoWriMo, writing 50,000 words during the month of November.
It's a fun challenge to leave your inner editor behind and just let your story out. It's a race against yourself  to finally write that book you've always said you would (or at least get a good head start on it!). But mostly, it's a world-wide community of like-minded people who are just as introverted, crazy, and obsessed about their own characters as you are.

Camp NaNoWriMo is also run by the same people, but just as summer camp was a time to relax and play in the mud, so is Camp NaNo a less formal version of the November challenge. Personally, as much as I enjoy NaNo, I love Camp. You get to pick your own goal, so if you aren't ready to tackle 50,000 words in one month, this is a great place to start. Not only that, but there's a stronger community feel to it.

You are sorted into Cabins with 11 other Campers, with your own private chat board. You can even make a private cabin so you and all your writing buddies can be together and support each other. To me, this is the heart of Camp - forming the bonds of friendship via the wonder of the internet just as you became lifelong friends with that kid from two states over at band camp in grade 9. (You owe him a letter - don't try to tell me you don't. It's your turn, you know it is. Go write that email/Facebook message, PM, DM, Tweet, whatever. Better yet, mail a care package full of chocolate and glitter.)

Anyway, back to my story. A year ago, I was sort of at a point in my life where I felt I had no motivation and no goal in life, wandering around lost. One day, I found myself back on the CampNaNo page. I ended up in a cabin with some really nice people who were really encouraging and always made me feel welcome. They've invited me back to their cabin for the next two Camps (Camp takes place in April and July), and it's really nice to feel included with them. During the course of April, I explored the NaNoWriMo forums more than I ever had before. (Take it from me, they are a labyrinth of procrastination and wonder.) I ended up joining a couple of RPs (role plays) and soon was making friends with several other writers who were involved. Along came June and a few of us immediately created a cabin together, quickly inviting others from the forums who we though would make a good fit. 

A full year later since I chose to dedicate time to my writing again, and I'm still here. The writers I met through NaNoWriMo have encouraged me in both personal things and my writing. We're best friends, and as with all friends, we've had our ups and downs, but the point is, we're still together. Without them, I would never have finished my first complete novel; without them, I probably would have walked away from my writing once again; without them, my life would be devoid of so much glitter and chocolate. 

So, here's to those wonderful friends and fellow writers. I'm so thankful to once again to be in a Cabin with them, and I can't wait for April to start and the creative juices to flow, as we challenge, encourage and push each other to write more, better, and stronger stories. 

I'll fill you all in about what I'll be working on this Camp soon, I promise. I'm really excited about it!

Good luck to everyone doing Camp this season! Hope to see you around the campfire!



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