Camp NaNoWriMo: Progress Update

Progress!! Hurrah!!

Except, there hasn't been as much progress as there should have been this month, unfortunately. I knew that the first part of the month would be busy with family-related things, and various distractions from Real Life, which is why I made my goal rather low. I didn't expect quite so much to happen, pulling me away from my nice quiet evenings of writing.

Life seems to be settling a little bit now, so I'm confident I can get back on track before the end of the month, especially as there are two Saturdays in there with no plans at the moment. Other than helping a friend move. Oops. Probably shouldn't have offered to help in April...

In terms of the story, I think it's progressing fairly well. Perhaps a little more slowly than I had anticipated, but based on previous critiques, earlier exposition seemed like a good idea. My goal is to have a good solid base for the trilogy, so that I don't have to worry about remembering to explain things later on. I'm rather bad at just assuming my readers know everything that I do, and that's just not possible. The fun starts now of trying to balance too much exposition with remembering to foreshadow.

I've been a little bit distracted with another plot bunny of late. I've not written anything for it yet; just some brainstorming and one interaction between the characters to get a feel for them. I'm really excited about getting the chance to work on it though. I have a writing workbook that I think I will use to develop this story. I like the idea of having an outline thought out ahead of time for this one. Knowing myself, this will be a real test of my patience. I tend to get an idea and just run with it; of course, this leads to the story fizzling out quite quickly as I lose momentum.  For now, I’m keeping this little bunny close, but I might update my writing projects page with a few details at a later date.

Oh! I went on a train ride the other day! It was a lot of fun, and a perfect atmosphere for writing. I didn’t get any writing done this time, but did a lot of people watching and gathered plenty of ideas for ways to annoy characters in the future.

Much love as always,

~ Belle


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